From the text of the Oxnard Traffic Initiative:
Section 2. Findings and Objectives.
A. The public of the city of Oxnard finds that the of the Oxnard 2020 General Plan, in particular the Circulation Element, has many thoughtful public policy platitudes that are all too often honored in the breach rather than in the observance. All too often, the City Council has approved projects when the Environmental Impact Report for the project either underestimates the
project’s impact on traffic or the environment; or, the council makes statements of overriding considerations, discounting the identified traffic impacts in favor of development. As with previous initiatives, such as Save Open-space and Agricultural Resoures (SOAR), it is time for our citizens to take back some of the authority to approve large projects that are going to increase traffic congestion and pollution. It is therefore the objective of this initiative to readopt and reaffirm those specific policies, goals and objectives, and those in related General Plan Elements, as set forth herein, but to do so in such a manner as to make them mandatory rather than advisory. Public participation in community-altering developments has proven to be a useful approach to public policy, both from the perspective of ensuring the public’s participation in its own future, and as well ensuring that the development interests embarking on large community- altering developments take into consideration appropriate public infrastructure. This initiative will facilitate such participation in developments that do not meet the standards set forth herein.
Translation: Keep promises.
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Are you working for Tim Flynn?
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